Tuesday 19 November 2013

Birmingham MCM

Quick lunchtime sketch and some info. I'll be at the Birmingham Comiccon and Memorabilia fair this coming weekend, selling prints, postcards and whatever other odds and sods I've got laying around. I know that fellow artists Aly Fell, Matt Dixon and Andrew Hickinbottom will be there as well, and it's only £10-£15 to get in, so if you're nearby head on over!

More art soon.
::EDIT:: Tweaked it.


Anneris said...

Awesome!! I love your work!

Ben Newman said...

Thanks Anneris!

Unknown said...

You were the highlight of the day for me.Great work. Love guy in Fin cotume.... and jake who bought a piece.

Ben Newman said...

Cheers Brad, nice meeting you guys too; That was the only photo I took the whole weekend!

Jon Stewart said...

So disappointed as I was actually thinking of going to the Birmingham MCM, but couldn't get the time off work! I know Andy, Aly and Matt though, all awesome guys. What's the chances of you appearing at a London MCM next year? ;)

Jon Stewart said...

Also, I just ordered that T-shirt you're selling on your website. Looks amazing! Can't wait for that :)

Ben Newman said...

Hey Jon. Hope you like the tee! London MCM: seems unlikely, but you never know...

Anonymous said...

Rule Britannia! Love you art work xx