It seems as though it's been a while since I've had anything I can post up; I've got a few things in the works put nothing I can show just yet unfortunately! A couple of prints coming soon and some commission stuff as well...
But I hate not updating for a while, so I drew a pic just for you!

More art soon.
Ok Gracias.
Wow, I love this. I wish I could put this on my wall.
Eduardo: Ta.
Andrew: Cheers! I didn't plan on releasing it as a print, but if enough people are interested I might.
Amazing stuffy, as always
Hello, if I had a job, I'd be interested in the original, if that is even available.
Thanks for sharing this. Very good job. As always.
This is so awesome!
happychappy, Encuentreme, Ryan: Thanks for the nice comments!
Andrew; it's digital, so no original as such I'm afraid.
Cool Black lagoon !
Love it!
nice posts. thanks for the cool stuff.
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