Thursday 15 March 2012

Giving me money!

The six paintings I did for the Spring Fever exhibition are now available for sale! Email me for details.


Anonymous said...

Ben ! :) cool work ...

Aidan said...

fantastic work ben, and an instant soon as i have a spare couple of grand lying around.

p.s. can you lend me a couple of grand?

nonna said...

Oooh, i want this. I want.

Ben Newman said...

Mimi: Cheers!
Aidan: Haha, ta. When you factor in how long they took me, framing costs, international shipping costs and gallery percentage, I only end up with a fraction of the price!
Infected: Glad to hear it!

Pips said...

Winter's promise .. i want!
please paint more and sell them on your site.

Noelyci said...

Are you doing prints of any of the ones in the show?

Ben Newman said...

Yeah, I will be once the show has finished. The prints look pretty good; not as good as the real thing though!

Leon Mutante said...

your works are great


Nigel Auchterlounie said...

Has no-one said juicy yet?
No, no-one's said it yet, I'm gonna do it...
