Seems as though the annual Japanese rope bondage festival has rolled around again!
More info about the event can be found here. It's starts on Fri 2nd of April and runs until Mon.
Here's the piece I just finished for it:

And then some in progress shots. I did this one a bit differently than normal simply because I was pushed for time, so I did a much more finished line version before moving onto the colour to speed up the process. I would post up an animated gif, but photobucket is being a pain at the minute so I guess it'll have to wait!

Fantastic one
Great job
OH snap !! Please let me know the second you decide to make a print of this one !!!!! This one is awesome !!! Great work , mate !!! Absolutely beautiful !!!
Amazing.Congratulations from Spain.
I love your Job.
Great work Ben! Lovely details on the chair...and other, various places.
great piece!
awesome...makeme verry happy..the touch of bizarre artist..bravo señor..
Bizarre but cool illustration !
great chair design...
I just can say..OMG!!!!!!!!!
Ben,I really want to cut your hands!!..this is the best pic that I´ve seen...Congrats!!
thanks everyone, I really appreciate your comments!
great work as ever ben, the line work is really strong in it's own right too - might be worth doing something in that style sometime!
Really great pictureBen and very atmospheric.
Hey Ben! Shit hot as I always remember your work to be :P
Very nice Ben! Spectacular in fact! You're really going to have to make it oop North sometime!
what balance, what poise.
wow. what a beautiful piece:)
This pose is very R. Crumbish :)
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