Tuesday 15 October 2013

Inspirational Slump

I've been doing a lot of really crappy doodles lately, which I normally do, but then a good one will come along which I like and will work up more. I haven't had a good one for a while though, so here are a few shitty ones that I'm probably never going to do anything more with.

More, hopefully better, art soon!


jake gumbleton said...

girl in a puddle is ace mate!!

Ben Newman said...

Cheers Jake. I like the concept, but the drawing's not doing a lot for me atm. Maybe I'll rework it at some point!

Anonymous said...

The girl getting her ass paddled is hot. Love that one!

Ben Newman said...

Cheers WP. That's the one I spent most time on, but then I lost interest before I finished it properly!

Brian WEaver said...

Well, as another artist, all I can say is even your rejected ones are fine.
I know doesn't help!
Regardless, find your work always Xcellent!

Ben Newman said...

Thanks Brian. Don't get me wrong, I think they're fine too; fine's not good enough to make me want to finish them though! If I'm not excited by a picture I'm working on I find I've got little interest in completing it. I'll just start something new instead!

BurningBeard said...

I've got the same problem as you when it comes to finishing my projects... Come to think of it i don't think I've ever finished anyting, ever! But then again I'm no real artist like you either. But anyways, I really LOVE all your artwork, you're one of the very few artists out there, that make me feel such an mixed array of emotions when looking at their artwork. Best of luck and keep up the good work. -Andy

Ruth Newman said...

love the mermaid in the puddle!

Ben Newman said...

-Hey Andy, thanks for the nice words! I don't really have a problem with finishing stuff, it's more an issue of not being happy with a drawing. If I don't like it at a sketchy stage, I know I won't be happy with it when it's finished, so it's normally better for me to cut my losses and work on something else.

-Hey Rufus!

Mimi Cortazar said...

nice inspiration stuff ;) nice work Ben!

Denis said...

Belle production !