Here's the first oil painting of my own stuff (rather than studies) that I completed. It's a couple of years old now, somehow I never got round to posting it up before. I learnt a lot from doing this one; a lot of mistakes that taught me some lessons good and early!

More art soon.
wow! like in old good times :) More forced stretching! :)
Awesome piece. I love the use of colors.
Very nice :D
Cheers all!
oil on... ?
Hey Mike! On canvas board about a3 size.
Dude, I love your work so much...
Also, I hate you.
It's so good!
thanks Leon!
Erotibot: haha, thanks!
Nice painting. Though her spine looks kinda... Broken. Unless that's intentional?
Hard to tell with fetish art on the internet sometimes.
I love your work so much...
From the looks of her face I thing she's enjoying it! an expression of pleasure though I much more like the face of suffering, of agony it's much more dramatic, intense, has a lasting impression on the lookers. ^__^
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