Thursday 17 May 2012


Hello! Wow, I am so busy with commissions and stuff at the minute that I'm barely getting time to draw my own stuff, let alone post it up! But I hate neglecting this blog for too long, so here's a teaser detail of a pic I'm working on for Cinema Sewer. I should have some more finished stuff up here soon for you're viewing pleasure, promise!
::edit:: added a better version instead!


Anonymous said...


assbackward said...

O shit! And you do stuff for Mr. Bougie's Cinema Sewer! Good times! I must say my fav piece by you so far is the 'lil red riding hood' but I do enjoy how u draw ass and the one where the father and son are about to have a go at their sister/daughter is quite shocking n great!

Ben Newman said...

Thanks Charlotta!
assbackward: Yeah Cinema Sewer is great!