Friday 23 December 2011


Sorry for the lack of updates recently; I know they've been few and far between. I haven't even had time this year to draw a proper Christmas pic! So I scribbled this rubbish quickie...

The upside to the lack of posting is that in the new year there will be a TON of new content going up! I'm working on a load of cool stuff at the minute; Stuff with Hustler, Belladonna, various galleries, Electric Pick, Girls and Corpses, more Cinema Sewer work and loads more, and the blog'll be the first place I post stuff as soon as I am able.
So, happy holidays to everyone and see you all next year!


Kelly said...

Merry Xmas for you, Ben Newman!
I hope you all the hapiness in the world and that you keep beein' this talented artist!
"More Cinema Sewer work" sounds great, I can't wait to see what you're going to do in 2012!

Kelly Demo Christ

Unknown said...

Merry Xmas, Ben!

Joe Capobianco said...

Looking forward to the New Year, and new posts from ya. Always such an inspiration.
Have a Merry!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Keep up the good work.

Onedrwomn said...

Love your stuff can't wait to see more, and leave obnoxious comments!

Alt said...

always worth the wait Ben! =)

Turin Mormegil said...

happy new year Ben

Anonymous said...


Ben Newman said...

Kelly: Thanks! It's going to be a good year I think.
Unknown: Cheers
Joe: Right back atcha!
Encuentreme: Will do, ta!
Onedrwomn: All comments are appreciated, obnoxious or otherwise!
Alt: Cheers Alt.
Garomaster+maxxipoo: Happy new year to you too!

Mr John said...

great art