Here's the final version of the Fallout pic. I spent far longer on this than I meant to!

Anyone who's been round to my house knows that nestled in my magazine rack next to Bizarre and the occasional New Scientist they can usually find the latest issue of
Front. For the people who don't live in the UK, Front is
sort of a lads mag, but instead of being filled with pictures of WAG wannabees and ex- big brother contestants in bikinis, it features loads of alt models covered in tats, features about music festivals and lots of articles/interviews with cool bands. So right up my street basically.
I might be being mental but look at these two pictures scanned in from the most recent issue, put side by side with some of my pics.

Weird right? Fronts interest in art seems to mostly be limited to things printed on T-shirts or skateboards so I doubt it's anything more than coincidence. Although if anyone reading this
does happen to work at Front, drop me line!
More stuff from excellent photographer Zoe Mcconnell can be found
Ben, the fallout pic is brilliant man. I love the way it turned out!
On the other scans, I find it an odd coincidence too, maybe you ought to drop the editors of Front a line and ask them where their artists get their inspiration ;)
I think you are underestimating your influence. I’ve seen your art in lots of random places, be it your own pictures or influence. There are very very few modern artists that resonate like you can, because it appeals to many people on many different levels, there is the fairy tail/fantasy/myth/symbol element of the work, to which most of us can relate. Then there is the cheeky eroticism and humour, to which we can all understand (unless someone is a freaky right wing nut job or femanazi who simply cannot understand the irony and female empowerment that exist in the art).
I actually did have the opportunity to see a co worker squirm after showing him Ben's blog a while back. He was curious about what sort of artwork myself and another co-worker were talking about so I went ahead and sent him the link. This was when Ben's cum swap picture was at the top of the page :D
Super fancy as ever! I was expecting a bit more "falling out" in the fallout pic though. Missed a trick there :)
I love your blog, very beautiful drawings! If you want me
I think you're a reference for the photographer (and many other people)... Amazing works as usual
thanks everyone!
War... war never changes.
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