I've started trying to get back on track with my painting again; I did a quick one a while ago that was horrid, and it made me lose all motivation (easy to do when you've got a massive backlog of other cool stuff to get started on!). But I finally made myself pick up the brushes and try and get back into it. Here are a couple of pics, both done from photo reference.
This first one is just a warmup/practice done over a couple of days:

This one is a still unfinished attempt to get more realistic colours going on rather than the monotone approach I'd been doing previously. I'll post up the finished version when it's done.

Hope you like!
Brilliant progress mate. Your colours on the second one really sing. You been reading scmid again?
Ps ban this sick filth!
What jake said - filthy great stuff!
You always so talented of a perverted way
Fucking fantastic!
love! the cumswap pic made me laugh. that wider bubble in the middle of the string - so life like, kind of makes me shudder! :D xx
I love your drawings, sorry for the bad writing of the language, I can not speak at least write in English, then with the help of an online translator I'm trying to pass what I feel to see your drawings. I am Brazilian, 18, and fell in love with this universe comes out of your mind. Also design, but compared to yours, mine are drawings of a child. I love the way that you portray women, the costumes are very perfect. I follow your blog and saw that some people were saying fizendo criticism where you do "apology "for the rape, sexual violence, etc.. I think this very old-fashioned kind of person who flees his or desires (laugh when you said that the sexually frustrated). I ask you to not stop making art, I always followed. Congratulations! (my favorite design and Nina Kate's very beautiful!)
wow, these are mostly great... crackin blog
nice ones. what size are your paintings if i may ask?
thanks everyone!
sarah: haha, sorry!
NaNy: Thanks a lot! Much appreciated.
pbv: They're all around A5-A4 size, some bigger some smaller.
hope you don't mind me being a cunt and 'borrowing' your gorgeous mouth-to-mouth to illustrate my latest rantorial:
Keep up the STUNNING art work, my friend!
You know..just fucking AMAZING!!
dude you really rock! You rock so much it makes me jealous! Such talented work mate! Bravo!
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