1. A pinup I'm working on for the amazing Leyla Rose
2. I've been fiddling with this sailor image on and off for ages. Maybe one day it'll be finished!
3. Trying out colour schemes
4. The process gif of the engine driver piece; I did this one a little differently because it would have taken me too long to work out all the perspective on paper,so I built a rough 3D model of the train interior to draw over instead.

Lastly, the Aliens Vs. Predator game (which I did character work on) is coming out soon , and it's pretty good fun. If you're into games why not give it a go; there is a free demo download available at the minute.
See you when I return from the frozen tundra!
Antarctica !!! Sounds awesome !! Never been there ! Have a great time , take lots of pictures and say hi to a few penguins for me !
It's great to see you cranking out loads of cool stuff, Ben. I really like how that engine driver piece came out. Enjoy Antarctica - experience of a lifetime, I'm sure!
the sailor is a great picture tnx for your art and Enjoy the travel...Antarctica..very far away
all of these are great - particularly the colours in the octupus piece. Great!
Thanks, your art is also pretty awsome :)
wonderful stuff Benjamin. Loving the sailor piece and the Leyla one is looking great so far! Have fun in the snow!
Hiya Ben :)! glad to see your keeping up with the AMAZING work :D
just thought id let you know ive changed my blog address to :
so if you want to still follow me thats where you will find me - and its alot more updated / neater than the old one x Jess x
Always so awesome! ...and your colors are really great!!!
Thanks everyone! I should have some cool photos to post up when I get back...
All fantastic as usual - Leyla Rose looks like shes on Monkey Island!
Wow, amazing pieces!
We are interested on creating an artist profile for you on our online magazine. Send me a message if you're interested!
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