Thursday 26 February 2009

Here's some more random junk:

a Speedpaint from a cool photo I found on the Interweb. I wish I had the foresite to make a note of where I get my reference photos from so I could credit the photographer, but unfortunately I never remember to. ho hum.

This is what comes from getting up too early on Saturday mornings! I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Team Rockets Jessie (from Pokemon if anyones been living on mars for the past ten years). It's hard not to find such a deranged redhead appealing.

Another Speedpaint of ol' bendy Zlata...

My entry for the Darkstalkers Tribute book; Felicia.

Ok, that's it for now.


Anonymous said...

great work again, i really like the jessie one...but thats just personal admiration for her :p and also the fecilia one is great, however, there seems to be something wrong wiht her hair on the right corner...but maby that's just me. the detail in it is astounding


Andy Council said...

You should have done some anal beads on your pic of Jessie that look like Pokeballs.

Anonymous said...

The old geezer is Edward 'Babe' Heffron, a WW2 US paratrooper from Easy Company, 101st Airborne, as immortalised in the Band of Brothers series.


Neil Roberts said...

Cool, an update - those is some sassy pics, as ever. Keep 'em coming, as they say ;P

Nico Di Mattia said...

They are Great Ben!!! I love your characters!!!

Ben Newman said...

thanks people!
anon: thanks for the crit; I'm not sure what you mean though! you don't mean her cats ear do you?
drsplib: cheers mate. shows what i know, i just thought he was a cool-looking geezer!
council: get your mind out of the gutter.
should have another update soon.

Carlos Ranna said...

Crazy blog with very cool art! Gonna follow ya!

. said...

Hello Ben!
Great blog you have here...
Awesome art,i like the color :)
i added you on my link list

Mayavan Thevendra said...

Top notch work Ben - I like the really simple shading on the Jessie pic.

Kristen McCabe said...

Yowza! If Jessie from Team Rockets only looked like that. You made her so sexy! The one of her on her knees is gorgeous.


LonneR said...

Nice speedpaints man. great works.


Some truly killer work here.

I'll have to visit again when I'm not in the office..
So I can look around a bit more.


pablo pablo said...

Woaa! I love your style, man!

Aleksandar Nikolic Shomy said...

cool I like your art